i call her: My Bitch. (okay, two)
friends since: our mothers probably hung out during their pregnancy and we were already bitchin' to each other in our bellies
favourite bonding activity: recruiting gullible young 'uns to our Org of Super-powered and Paranormal-obsessed gang
next favourite bonding activity: recruiting gullible old 'uns to our org of Glitter-powered and Paranormal (the para became homo) - tripped-out gang.
is my: conscience

i call him: my pug, watz, watots
friends since: 1997, when we had to write for and act in the school anniversary play
favourite bonding activity: talking until the wee hours of the morning
next favourite bonding activity: smoking while talking
is my: brother, best friend, my best lover and worst enemy (ahahah)

i call him: nime, marky
friends since: 1997
favourite bonding activity: nurturing variegated passions like writing, Xmen and Buffy the vampire slayer
next favourite bonding activity: getting together the Dolgers (now taken over by Rogel)
was him last: 2004, at his birthday party (also my bon voyage party, it turned out). I will never forget that day.

i call him: Ylio, Gel
friends since: forever
favourite bonding activity: debating about everything under the sun
next favourite bonding activity: debating about whether to debate about everything or not
has taught me: the value of humility and patience (patience: he used to always make me wait for him. one time, i stupidly waited a whole day!)

i call her: THE GRAND BITCH.
friends since: fourth grade, i think.
favourite bonding activity: drinking away our crazy ideas and depression
next favourite bonding activity: drinking to get crazier and be more depressed
whenever i think of her: my heart is lightened. she is the strongest person i know.
i call her: the luckiest girl in the world
friends since: even before her mother conceived her. Thanks Nessa, for bringing her into the world!
future favourite bonding activity: thinking up of ways to exasperate her mother
next future favourite bonding activity: thinking up of ways to appease her mother, then later, exasperate her more
is: the heir to the dolgers throne

i call him: nibbles, boy bastos or "BB"
friends since: fourth grade
favourite bonding activity: tickling each other and using physical violence to demonstrate our love
next favourite bonding activity: giggling about it afterwards
has the: best freakin' manly voice I have ever heard on a - man

MIAi call her: Mia
friends since: since she, Mean and I began this Pres-VP-Sec love/hate affair which afterwards became a puppy-love love triangle
favourite bonding activity: talking about love
next favourite bonding activity: talking about love and how we hate it
taught me: how it is to love someone unconditionally

i call him: topher, ciongs
friends since: fourth grade, when we joined the volleyball varsity together with Norman
favourite bonding activity: playing tennis
next favourite bonding activity: drinking with nessa, the "female christopher "
is the: last standing ... guys, you know what that means. ahahah