man to my cause
- Abraham Lincoln in his Temperance Address before the Washington Temperance Society (1842).
chagya pabo... the making...
love is MY semordnilap of evil
("InSPIEGABILE" / Pisa, Italy copyright 2007 photo taken by cris carpio-garing.)
ordinary day.
woke up. shot off to the gym where 20 minutes of cycling and 40 minutes of lifting failed to rouse my still semi-functioning mind.
walked two blocks to buy me some Rothmans, a carton of milk, pineapple juice.
as i was going into the house, this old lady blindsided me by the stairs. she was muttering to herself, obviously pissed off at something or someone. by the elevator, she turned to me and asked if i knew the people who were making a fuss last night around midnight. having had little sleep, i knew it was the Peruvian family up on the fifth. But our floor having been the victim of unreasonable complaints from other tenants, i knew better than to squeal.
"Ero sveglio tutta la notte e non ho sentito niente, signora. Forse si sbaglia."
( I was awake all last night and i heard nothing, ma'am. Maybe you're mistaken."
That shut her up. As she got out on the second, she continued grumbling and huffing.
I hid a smile.
Outside the door, i could hear the phone ring.
"Pronto?" Hmmmm... nod. Gasp. Shit. nod. nod. Fcuk. Fcuk. Fcuk. nod. nod. shake head. Damnit.
That phone call sure did the trick. It felt like i drank a pitcher of italian corretto (which i hear is quite popular back home nowadays, the sambuca). It was my best gal pal in the U.S., the torchbearer of love, my mythical image of all that is good and and wonderful and POSSIBLE about love.
after 15 years of delirious monogamy, her boyfriend-now-fiance-now-jerk broke ties with her, apparently, over a romantic dinner and over a close friend of hers.
her belief in love was rattled, shaken, utterly destroyed by what happened.
imagine mine.
it is simple, really. Yes, we choose our partners. things work out. things might not. and yet it is also damnably complicated. It was my 22nd birthday when i decided to break an elementary concept.
Live and evil is probably one of the most basic semordnilap couple. Spell live backwards and you get evil. At that time, i firmly believed that it was LOVE that formed evil's semordnilap. And i stressed, "eeeh-voool!"
i dont know why, but i turned to my friend Luisa Igloria's poem I HAVE A CRUSH On An ITALIAn TEnor. Luisa is a poet extraordinaire and Associate Professor in the MFA Creative Writing Program and Department of English, Old Dominion University. I had the amazing opportunity to meet her and interview her for the paper i worked for here in Italy last year. Her words are instruments, the structure of her verses the sections, and her poems the completed orchestra that has the power to amaze, flummox, aggravate or convey peace.
...in those few seconds when i felt my friend's heart crumbling to pieces, i heard the words... "and for one person only...we say I choose you...delegate the rest to coffee shop friends..."
here's the part of the poem that I'm referring to.
...But when you think about
the souls in The Symposium, separated from each other
and condemned to yearn eternally for what completes them
and makes them whole, you can begin to understand
the difficulty. Not everyone can fulfill such a dizzying
array of needs, and for one person only. It’s hard enough
to figure out who it is we were meant to be with—and yet
we point and say we choose, we say I choose you. Would it be
enough to recognize which of our most important needs are met
by our mates, and delegate the rest to coffee shop friends,
email buddies, jobs, hobbies, therapists; to running, reading,
writing, yoga, or massage therapy? Sometimes it is at
the hands of a complete stranger that the spine gentles
and relaxes on the linen-draped table. The head droops,
the shoulders slacken, the ribs exhale a longer breath.
And the back, all this time locked tightly in its habit of not
giving anything away, responds to the fingers
of the blind masseuse, in the same way the tenor sings
so ardently of a world he still desires, can still taste and feel,
though he can no longer see. Any stone would melt
like a heart, from the honey of even such imperfect love.
(Poetry East, fall 2007)
...in those few seconds, i was the rope that they all pulled at, for which they hurled and heaved and measured their strengths and worth.
this tug of war.
delusion and faith.
and i hear another beguilingly profound voice at the back of my head, Spike singing his bloody aria of "Love's a bitch". Crass, and yet finespun.
"...And the back, all this time locked tightly in its habit of not giving anything away..."
some days, you're better off not getting out of bed.
the love songs of many-a-zeus
and he smeared the word itself
this four-letter secret that everybody else
seemed to know
and smeared themselves
thousands of times
it lived
and breathed
and died.
chthonic souls turned angels that fucked turned gods made chaos their master love their master
perfection their master turned slaves, this slavery
masters him. he cannot escape
and reads,
i am a simple guy. enjoys walks in the park, movies, meaningful conversations, love that never dies, my strengths are all listed here, and the rest of them you can view where my photos they can tell you make you see tease you make promises to you that i am who i say i am and my love never falters.
he shakes his head, laughs, distrusts
he is seeker and sought
and when he enters their world
he is simply lost
and he has known
the simple ones
the beautiful ones
the poor ones
the proud ones
and he has known how it is to read these love songs, troths that began with a smile, a chest, roughened thighs
this exercise of excesses that they, "their people", employ and the masks that they wear and he wears making them "his people" and his options exercised to his liking
and reads,
i seize the day and take what i can. i take you. i tell you you are mine and mine alone but i am not yours never will be alone. i fuck you and fuck you up then move on. i seized the day. i seized you.
and then his music
his tomes
his passions
his life
life smeared with that word
it comes up again
his own fractured fable
him, filled with the faces and bodies
of those he collects
like numbers and rainbows
they are polychromatic, and unending
he collects them
he is collected
a toy.
and reads,
or blank space
this fear
he is you, yet he despises being him or him or him
he is better, he is nothing
part of and cut off from the whole
i do my own thing
it reads
and suddenly, the unnecessary becomes desirable
the untruths getting new skins of
longstanding reason;
and he strives to read
between the lines
before he is carried away
to become the immortal that he was fated to be
his beauty set in stone
his heart hardened by time
that word
forgotten; that song,
2008 Holiday Posters by... me!
I was then caught by the poster bug!
For yo. Pabo!!!
Of course i missed my brother! I havent seen him in 5 years!!! It was cool to realize how much we've changed and i marveled at how these changes allowed us to have a better rapport than before. I love my brother and I'm just so happy to spend my 'waiting time' here with him.
My three wacky sisters would never have let it go had i not made one for them too! so in the spirit of their new business venture, the Coffee and Cookie Company (the cookies in the poster are all their handiwork! Im so proud of you guys!!!), here it is. Guess it really runs in the family!
And here's one for my sister-in-law! Ate Judith is quite a lass, and though an unexpected choice, I believe, a right one that my brother made!
I miss my godson so much! Back in Milan, I would babysit for him as his mother, best gal pal Lanie, had to work. Little Gabri is just the cutest wootest!
The DOLGERS clan! My childhood friends. Wherever we are now, be it Dubai, Belgium or Manila, the bond is as thick as it once was!
Another cutie baby! My other goddaughter, Danica. It's a real kicker and laugh riot how everytime she sees Gabri she just has to smother him with kisses!
She was the girl who sat beside me in the benches of Milan's Loreto terminal. I felt her eyes on me while i was reading my book. She asked me abruptly if i were Filipino and if i spoke English. I answered yes to both. Then she asked if i were gay. The rest is history! Best fag hag ever! lolz
My four years in Milan could be broken down into seconds of beauty, minutes of pain, hours of friendship, days of learning , weeks of loss and months of reflection. Whether i lived alone, with a roommate, slept on a bed or a divano, worked as a cleaner or a journalist, through it all.... these amazing people were behind me all the way. It was painful to leave them, but of course, it's never forever. i miss you guys! I'll see you all soon, i hope!
i just love cooking!!!
She taught my mother to cook, gave her all the recipes and the secrets and the trusted tips. But she parted leaving me something more precious.
Her passion for the culinary arts.
Whatever hardships i have to go through now in pursuit of a dream that at times seem to be so unattainable, i endure for the sake of her memory. One day I'll finally be able to leave Italy, move on to a place where I can study the arts and become a chef.
well, maybe in profession. But in truth, maybe just a simple guy with a lot of heart in his every dish.
( Learning about Calabrese dishes was given a major boost when i took on a job as stay-in caregiver cum cook for this wonderfully gentle man Signor Giuglio Altieri. Here are some of the recipes that i was able to prepare for him during my time in his home. )
it was friday night (my ghost friend)
i asked myself
even as i was already immagining it
if it were possible
to make up your own ghost.
as a kid
i never had an imaginary friend.
i was happy enough by myself,
lost in books and dreams of greatness
and of smallness;
it is a boy,
just under ten years old,
he dresses always in the same clothes,
white buttoned shirt, khaki shorts,
black shoes.
his hair, swept to the side
his eyes, big and frightened,
his lips unmoving
he would sit beside me as i write poems
he would watch me cook, asking silently
for instructions on how to
properly marinade a roast
or make gnocchi al mare, his favorite,
with polipo and granchio.
it would amuse him so much
when i would start dancing silly
his eyeballs would roll
when i would open another bottle of verduzzo,
his eyes would become sad
when i would refuse to speak to him.
at night while i read
he would come stroke my head
he told me once
i should have my hair cut,
that my long hair makes me
look all the more sadder.
friday night, it started to rain.
past eleven, i started to drink.
listening to music, i started to write.
writing, i started to wonder
what i need is an exorcism.
give him hope, and another day
the little ghost boy told me
that he would just stand there,
amongst us, thinking,
his ghost thoughts
and somehow
he felt pity
for those of us living but are like
friday night,
it started to rain.
i was alone at the house.
my little imaginary ghost friend
was looking at me earnestly.
for some reason,
i started to feel a slight shiver.
era venerdi notte (il mio amico fantasma)
mi sono chiesto
anche quando lo stavo gia immaginando
se era possibile
fantasticare una tua propria fantasma.
come un ragazzino
non ho avuto l'amico immaginario.
ero contento stando da solo,
perso nei miei libri e i miei sogni di grandezza
e di munizia;
è un ragazzo,
poco meno di dieci anni,
indossa sempre lo stesso abito,
camicia bianca, pantaloncini khaki,
scarpe nere,
i suoi capelli, spazzati a lato,
i suoi occhi, grandi e impauriti,
le sue labbre immobili.
mi stava accanto mentre scrivo le mie poesie,
mi guardava quando cucino, chiedendomi silenziosamente
per le istruzioni come marinare un arrosto
o preparare gnocchi al mare, il suo preferito,
con polipo e granchio.
si divertiva tanto,
quando mi metto a ballare come uno sciocco,
si rotevano i suoi occhi
quando apro un'altra bottiglia di verduzzo,
ha gli occhi tristi
quando rifiuto di parlargli.
in serata, mentre leggo
lui veniva a coccolare la mia testa
una volta mi ha detto
che dovevo farmi tagliare i cappelli,
che cosi lunghi mi rendono
piu miserabile.
venerdi notte, è cominciato a piovere.
dopo alle undici, ho iniziato a bere.
ascoltando la musica, ho iniziato a scrivere.
scrivendo, ho iniziato a chiedermi.
quello che ho bisogno è un esorcismo.
dagli speranza, e un altro giorno.
il piccolo ragazzo mi ha detto
che stava in piedi
tra noi, e pensa,
i suoi pensieri da fantasmi,
e in qualche modo
si sentiva il bisogno di condolersi con
quelli di noi che vivono
ma sono anche
come dei
venerdi sera,
è cominciato a piovere.
ero da solo a casa.
il mio piccolo amico immaginario fantasma
mi guardava seriamente.
per qualche motivo,
mi sono venuti i brividi.
cazzeggiare è cosi bello e cosi brutto è cosi -- vaf%£/*&=o -
So che fra poco vado a trovare il mio fratello, ma nel frattempo, questo periodo in cui sto vivendo ... vorrei strappare il mio cuore, uscire dalla pelle e esplodere.
attualmente sentendo: a pezzi. come descritto.
attualmente ascoltando: varie brani dai nuovi album - Jennifer Hudson (spotlight, if this isn't love, invisible), 3 doors down (let me be myself) , beyonce knowles ( disappear, halo, scared of lonely), se7en (them girls) e l'album completo del mio mito Jeong Ji-Hoon (meglio conosciuto come Bi/Rain) - Rainism.
attualmente facendo: grafici per due clienti di personal catering (italian and french cuisine), tre inviti ( due battesimi, e un matrimonio ovvero, FORSE-matrimonio. hack hack)
attualmente imparando: vector e 3d graphics, piu la lingua francese e koreano.
attualmente leggendo: libri - di nuovo il BABEL TOWER di A. S. Byatt,
attualmente scaricando: Auction House (Korean drama)
attualmente mangiando:
ogni giorno zuppa (perche sono
attualmente malato: raffredore e tonsillite.
attualmente parlando: con un amico di messina, un amico cinese e la mia cocca Orietta che la voglio tanto abbracciare.
attualmente bevendo: che altro. vino rosso e troppo caffè.
attualmente fumando: gli ultimi due stick del mio Benson. uffa.
attualmente mancando: ballare con roland (il mio ex-coinquilino),
la torta a caramella di Ghrei, giocando a tennis con il Panda team, Gabri, e la mia macchina fotografica.
attualmente guardando: gli ultimi episodi della quinta
stagione di L-Word (ammetto, "Sono un uomo-identificato-come lesbico". aspetta, sono anche gay. che confusione!) *pic - Leisha Hailey of Lword
attualmente progettando: come cambiare identità e apparenza, come far soffrire tutte le persone che mi hanno fregati e delusi, come poter lavorare per unicef, e una programma di dieta e fisica per avere il corpo del dannato Ji-Hoon.
attualmente sperando: che lui non mi ha dimenticato. che c'e un ragione per tutto questo. che in fondo, sono ancora io. per me. e per lui, un amico.
credo di aver capito
credo di aver capito
per quanto umile possa essere,
contro tutta la mia storia, tutte le mie esperienze
l'amore, le amicizie e le fortune che ho avuto,
tutti i sbagli, tutti i pensieri, tutto il passato e il futuro....
credo di aver capito
che non avrò
la felicità
che cerco.
non saprei dire ancora se questa
profonda verità
mi aiuta a vivere
o mi impedisce di piu
non saprei dire ancora se questa
vera falsità
mi rende piu impaurito
o piu consapevole di
tutte altre verità
vedo una tela bianca davanti me
una tabula rasa
una possibilità per rincominciare
una vita
tanto impossibile.