Biting, you are another gale of the frosty eve come down to smite me,
You are a burning upon my naked skin,
A few hours of reprieve from the endless drown.
Jikan, you are another undressing of shame,
You are a burning upon my tired, so tired eyes
And the dying that is my existence from day to day.
Breathe, you are another hammer pounding on my chest,
You are a burning, burning the blood that traces my despair,
This daily torture, street vendors and children laughing in Kiyosumi
Biting, you are another gale of the frosty eve come down to smite me,
You are a burning upon my naked skin,
A few hours of reprieve from the endless drown.
Jikan, you are another undressing of shame,
You are a burning upon my tired, so tired eyes
And the dying that is my existence from day to day.
Breathe, you are another hammer pounding on my chest,
You are a burning, burning the blood that traces my despair,
This daily torture, street vendors and children laughing in Kiyosumi
And I am this laughable ghost, another of Kiyosumi’s many secrets,
Burnt by my own blood that despaired at who I am,
Another breathe that escapes is another second to live.
And I am dragged underneath by the cruel hands of everyday,
Burnt by their eyes, seared by the lies turned truths turned lies
Another undressing and yet another and yet another and yet
For I am the hours that surged forth from my endless drowning,
Still burning, I stand firm and scream no more,
And I am, living.
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