I was walking last night and all around me, i kept seeing signs of it.
People together, couples holding hands, embraces, arms around shoulders, knowing smiles, heart at home.
Love. I don't really like writing about it, but here it is. It presented itself to me last night so clearly that there is just no way around it, no way to follow my own rules of not writing about it, thinking about it, dwelling on it, because after all, what is it but air, wind, god. things we cannot see, we can only fathom.
The way it was evident last night makes you wonder. It's here, it's true people feel it have it know it taste it keep it. Then why do so many feel so lost and so...wanting. If it were so easy to have, to realize, to know, why is it so difficult to believe?
Some people fall in love, at first sight, they say. Some after, some see it right off - that possibility, others not so quick, they can't see what's right in front of them or under their noses until it's gone, drifted away and owned by someone else.
MIllions of people. If you keep searching for the right one, that would mean you would search your entire life and beyond, without ever finding it. If you settle, is that bad? or is it actually realizing that your needs of love, CAN be met, if you yourself allow love to enter whole and untouched.
NOt edited like they do in movies. NOt cropped like they do with photos.
Some wait for it, others think they're not ready and yet they entrap themselves in confusing complicated fucked up messes. But when they finally say they are, it becomes a bigger mess.
And for some, they just never find it. I feel the unravelling truth about where i fit. Does it scare me?
I was walking without actually knowing where to go.
I am writing this without actually knowing where I am headed.
Maybe that's it.
That's the point of it all.
There is none.
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