

ako. io. I. yo.

When i was a kid, i told everybody that my dream was to become a social worker. I always dreamt of going to places in the Philippines, in India, in Africa, wherever - every place that saw a tear in a hungry child's face, every corner of the world where a hug meant more than a dollar, a helping hand more than new shoes.

I remember even writing this poem (which luckily I have in my archives) entitled "LUHA", which means tears or lacrime.

...he smiled,
the little boy whose feet were hard as rocks,
whose stomach growled a vicious monster,
whose face wore ages of pain and regret

i wondered how regret could be pasted onto a face
which should house innocence and joy,

he smiled,
the little boy who looked at me like i was his long-lost brother

he smiled,
because i smiled too.

part of "LUHA"
cris. jan.15, 1991.

I wonder what happened to that dream. I can still feel that desire. To seek a way to help, to find a chance - to feel more ---I dont know, human. All the homeless people. All the orphans. All the young and dying, the old and aging. Their pains should be OUR pains, too. Shouldn't it?

Aren't they US? Aren't we THEM?

Let me share this most beautiful song called PARAISO. Which is strange, in a way. Because like the title of the song, which i think , can be understood in all languages, so should the very words BEING HUMAN.

The video features some photos from the Philippines. For more on the country, check out these two other videos:

And i end this blog with a part taken from Carlos P. Romulo's "I am a Filipino" essay:

I sprung from a hardy race — child of many generations removed of ancient Malayan pioneers. Across the centuries, the memory comes rushing back to me: of brown-skinned men, putting out to sea in ships that were as frail as their hearts were stout. Over the sea I see them come, borne upon the billowing wave and the whistling wind, carried upon the mighty swell of hope — hope in the free abundance of new land that was to be their home and their children’s forever.

This is the land they sought and found. Every inch of shore that their eyes first set upon, every hill and mountain that beckoned to them with a green and purple invitation, every mile of rolling plain that their view encompassed, every river and lake that promised a plentiful living and the fruitfulness of commerce, is a hollowed spot to me.

By the strength of their hearts and hands, by every right of law, human and divine, this land and all the appurtenances thereof — the black and fertile soil, the seas and lakes and rivers teeming with fish, the forests with their inexhaustible wealth in wild life and timber, the mountains with their bowels swollen with minerals — the whole of this rich and happy land has been, for centuries without number, the land of my fathers. This land I received in trust from them, and in trust will pass it to my children, and so on until the world no more.

agosto. 07


Father, I have sinned.

yes, dear child. you may speak freely here.

father, from my dad's pocket, I took a dime

The Lord appreciates your honesty, child. Go on.

to buy me a Tootsie Roll. ever had one, father? melts in your mouth, they do. a dime for some Tootsie Roll. a dime for my soul.

The Lord appreciates your honesty, child. Go on.

I peeked at my cousin Trudie. She's thirteen, but father, God knows he ain't right in making her look all of twenty.

never presume what the Lord thinks, child.

then for that, I'm to be forgiven too, Father. Trudie, she took a bath, see. I took a peek, a regular Peeping Tom I am. What i saw made me think dirty thoughts, yes, father, and these thoughts i acted upon them with the devil's hands.

God knows your heart is aggrieved, son. your body confuses and tempts you. you must be strong.

father, i acted on them thoughts twice.

then the Lord forgives you twice as well.

then i faked sick. me and momma had to go sell some rice cakes in the market,like we do every goddamn day, 'scuse me father for cursing. i hate them damn- silly cakes. Packed with rice and sweat and momma's tears and our daily grief.

Do not swear. And do not look ill on what the good Lord provides.

Yes, father. But they all i have in me, father. rice cakes in the morning, at noon and nighttime. and then, some more rice cakes in between. I swear ---


Yes, father, i won't. I ---can tell you this much. My sweat and blood and innards must be all rice cakes. They are. So i faked sick.

What did you do with your time?

Well's, momma thought i was resting, and so i snuck out. Sun ain't barely up, Poppa's wasted on the floor again so i took the dime from his pocket and went to see if cousin Trudie wanted to swim in the river, which she didn't, on account she took a bath, and i did her wrong twice. So i went to Tommy's instead. Bugger-faced Tommy. Play catch, is what i thought.

and did you? Play catch?

NO's father. 'is the truth, i tell ya. me's and tommy crossed over to Old Maria's backyard, you know who she is, that deaf-blind-mad-woman witch.

The Lord forgives you for name-calling.

Thank you, Lord. So when we got to the woman-witch's place, we started throwing stones at the kitchen windows.

one that was big!

two ,missed but close!

three, yes! one in the center!

now Tommy's got a good hand. He started teasing me bout my bad 'un. Out of ten, I got two cracks. Whip! Crack! the glasses they broke. the pieces they shattered. the rocks they clunked inside.

we didn't notice it, father. But Old Maria went close to the windows and started shooing us like we were buncha crows. I took a big rock and aimed straight at her face. hit smack center in the forehead. down, she went, father. like a big log. Timber! I called, laughing. Timber! I shouted. I didn't know why, but i laughed. father, I laughed real hard.

didn't just hurt her see. went inside to check, there she was, sprawled on the floor. ees about to popo like the cap of a bottle of soda. her breasts, Tommy touched them, hard as rocks themselves. Tommy said no beat was in them breasts. No beat at all. Wouldn't have sinned with the devils' hands if you paid me, or God paid me, father. Them breasts long gone.

Father, I killed Old Maria. she's dead as a dead cow.

a rock for her body. a rock for her mad soul.

oh ---g---God. son, did you tell somebody? the police?

I AM telling, Father. I'm telling you. seeing as you're supposed to keep things silent and private here, aren't ya?

words between God and me? you'se and God? you'se and me?

Yes , son - but this ---we have to tell---

now, Tommy, crybaby he is, started bawling like a girl. I told him to shut up. no faggot friend of mine is gonna cry. and he is, faggot. Tommy. Once I saw him kissing that other boy that lives with his momma in the big blue house. Told him I wouldn't tell anybody if he did all i said. He wouldn't stop crying, tho'. So i took a wooden board, that board that Old Maria uses to beat clothes with, get the dirt out? So's I took it and i was only trying to scare him, father, but he wouldn't stop screaming and shouting and crying and so i didn't stop beating and pounding him like beef at the butcher's. He kept on crying, You'se killed her, shit! You'se killed ---

Boy, tell me. Aaaang then---? Where is Tommy?

I kept hitting him, father and it worked. it made him shut up two ways sunday. silence was a dusk's wait for light, not even a hummingbird hummed, i reckon. nor a twig breaking outside. Silence, there was.

See, i knew father. i knew. The Lord will understand. I listen to your sermons like i listen to nothing else.

You'se once said :

Strike down the screaming liars with them instruments of peace. Bring about silence and calm with your might and let those blinded to the Lord's mercy be brought to light.

your words rang in my head, father. I've always wondered what i'm here in this world for. not to sell those fucking tasteless rice cakes. now i know.

the lord made me more.

I am his instrument. HIs hand in this land that forsook him, among those who turned blind eyes and deaf ears to his saving grace.

The words of the Lord are mysterious, son . We cannot know that they truly mean, I 'm sorry ---but i have to---

But i felt those words, father!

as if hot air blown right into my lungs. now i must share it, bring judgment to those who need it. I ain't ever felt this way, father, like a hundred angels lifting me up.... better than holding my prick and whacking it dry.

I have a question, though, father.


why's God got to make it always damn messy? i have red all over my hands, father. see, i don't like red. I think i'm gonna have to learn how to carry out his will without so much of it.

and it smells, father.
oh yes, the blood.
damn bad, the smell.